dj forums Rules and Guidelines:
#1 - Potentially offensive words, names, terms, and URLs (i.e. are not allowed in screen names.
#2 - Keep cursing, swearing, profanity, or vulgar language to a minimum in ALL parts of the forums. People of all ages, races, and lifestyles are welcome on DJF, so please be respectful when posting. Habitual vulgar language will lead to a warning, infraction, time out, or banning. DJF will not tolerate profanity or indications of profanity in thread titles. This includes partial words with characters such as @#$%&* in them.
#3 - No trolling, non-relevant, disruptive, or inciting posts will be allowed. Any flaming, racist, sexist, religious, homophobic or offensive comments will result in disciplinary action.
#4 - Commercial, retail sales as well as promoters & (record) labels need a vendor account to promote their product or services in any manner. This includes any "for profit" promotion, sales or service.
#5 - No insulting, disrespectful, harassing or attacking other members or their personal opinions. No style of music is better than the other; no style of music is truer than another. Administrators and Moderators have sole discretion to determine what is considered to be a violation of this rule.
#6 - No insulting, disrespecting, arguing or “calling out” moderators or administrators. Being disrespectful will not be tolerated.
#7 - Please post in the correct forum section, and do not cross-post topics to multiple sections.
#8 - Please keep posts on topic, there is no need to purposely post something that has nothing to do with the topic. Please try not to hijack a thread onto another topic. Please stay on topic relative to the thread title or primary question and/or specific subject.
#9 - Please refrain from typing in all caps or using text speak or "l33t speak" (e.g. (***, @@@, DjCo0Lb1tCh) especially in the subject lines.
#10 – No posting pornographic images of any kind on the forum.
#11 - Piracy is not tolerated at DJF. Posts that request or suggest use of pirated content (i.e. music or software) will be removed and any users participating in the discussion will be at risk of disciplinary action.
#12 - Spam will not be tolerated. It will be deleted and the member posting it will be disciplined.
If you have music or equipment to sell, start a thread in the relevant forum section. Any commercial, retail selling, or promotional posts require a vendor account (please see the vendor FAQ for more information). If your first (and only) post is "check out my site" or any other link it WILL be deleted. The same goes for members looking for DJs. Threads like that will be considered spam and removed.
#13 - Any discussion on the topic of drugs must be conducted in a mature manner. DJF does not allow "who does what drugs when spinning?" posts.
#14 – Threads involving highly controversial topics (like race, guns, religion, and politics) are confined to specific areas of DJF.
#15 - Embedding videos and mixes in your signature is NOT allowed. This includes soundcloud, mixcloud, youtube, etc.
#16 - To post a mix or links to Soundcloud, Mixcloud, YouTube, and / or any other online accounts or websites, you must have completed both of the following:
a) Accumulate 30 posts by participating in any area of the forum.
b) Be a member in good standing for a minimum period of 30 days.
Posting your mix in another forum section will be viewed as circumventing the rules, thus the post will be deleted and disciplinary action given.
#17 – Beginner mixes can be posted in the beginners section only, but must be no more than 10 minutes in length. Mixes longer than 10 minutes will be viewed as circumventing rule 16, will be deleted & disciplinary action will be issued.
#18 - Rapid posting (Postwhoring) is not allowed. Just randomly posting in threads just to boost post count is not allowed. Digging up & posting in countless old threads is not allowed.
#19 - Multiple user accounts are not allowed. No member is allowed to have more than one account.
In general, respect fellow staff, members and the DJ Forums community.
The views expressed on the message board are not necessarily those of djforums creators and maintainers reserve the right to edit any and all content of the message board.
If you have questions about the rules, please consult a moderator or administrator.